Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dream, Imagine, Inspire

Dream, Imagine, Inspire...are just words until one actually puts them into action. These words surround me when I sleep (ok if I sleep in my own bed). I fall asleep reflecting on these powerful actions. I wake to the same energy. However, in my life they have been mostly just words. I think sometimes I feel empty because I want these words to be real for me and not just words. I Dream all the time, but I need to put the Dreams into some action so I can make them come true and they don't just fall to the waste side building up inside of me causing awful clutter...making it hard to breathe. I need to take my Dreams and make at least some of them a reality...bring them from the deep inside to the outside. I Dream big, which could be part of the problem. I Dream the impossible...but I need to start thinking that my Dreams are probable. Imagination is what I do best. I do Imagine in the active way, however my Imagination always takes me to a negative place. So I need to Imagine in the more positive way rather than letting it take me somewhere I don't want to be. When you Imagine, we should Imagine happiness not sadness or things that hurt or will hurt. Imagine good things that will make your heart glow and flutter. Real life has enough sadness and hurt...so Imagine the happiest of all things. Inspire others and be Inspired. I have a desire for someone to be Inspired by me. I want to make a difference and make others feel good. But also like to be Inspired by others faith and confidence in themselves, which will hopefully give me the faith and confidence to believe in myself and in my Dreams so that I can Imagine happiness and Inspire others to do the same.

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