Sunday, May 31, 2015

Job, Career, or Passion?

When Sunday Blues hit hard, what does that mean? Does that mean what you do for a living is just a job, your career path, or your true passion. I highly doubt that it means it's a true passion. If you feel passionate about something, you are not going to feel blue every single time you have to face it. You may have a moment or two, but you will not feel so sad and blue when anticipating the arrival of a Monday. It must just be a job. For me, Sunday Blues hit me like a broken heart. I feel sick and sad and dread feeling this way. I miss my passion. I miss feeling excited. I miss wanting to put 100% into something. I miss wanting to work hard. Where is my passion? I can't seem to find it "here". It's just a job. Yes! I am fortunate for such a great job. Bills get paid, great benefits, great people, but my heart is void. Where is my passion? I need to find that passion again. I need to feel the passion void for doing something I love and enjoy. Hmmm...what is it? Where is it? Where is my passion?